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Love so deep only Freedom remains.
Combining these wonderful healing and intuitive methods with coaching, I support and empower you to create the life you want. I've watched miracles happen as clients take their personal power back, let go of self imposed misery and open their hearts to the beauty of the present moment. Here’s what one client posted on Facebook:
"To all in the Mid-Atlantic and those whom might even consider traveling from farther afield, I had the most incredible healing session with the extremely gifted Sherry Tuegel yesterday. She essentially released and pulled eons of trapped stuff out of my body... "stuff" that has been making me sick for too long. I'm still processing this but Sherry's gifts and wonderful sense of humor are a tremendous boon to my healing work. Today I walk taller, and am lighter and the inner rage that was so stuck in me is... gone. Just gone. Stunning. Thank you, Sherry!"
-Mare Cromwell, Internationally Recognized Author
Be prepared to laugh, to cry and to touch a deep inner silence. You can choose to embrace your emotions, accept who you are with unconditional love and consciously choose to dwell in the precious present moment.
Contact me to begin your journey!
Would you like to let go of misery? Are you looking to transform your life and heal? I would be honored to support you on your journey to more love, happiness and better health. I blend personal coaching with ancient and new healing techniques to uncover the life you've been searching for. I create a safe sacred space intuitively using:
The healing touch of Reiki
The release and heart opening soul connection of All Love Sekhem
The rewiring of the subconscious by removing blocks though PSYCH-K
The transforming consciousness technology of Matrix Energetics
The guiding light of Intuitive Readings
Individual Coaching
Love has a message for you.
It speaks through your heart and body. Hearing this message will change your life.
Heal the past and open to possibilities you cannot imagine.
Happiness awaits!